360 Degree Feedback

360 Degree Feedback Peter Maxwell Davies, English composer and conductor says, ‘if you don’t get feedback from your performers and your audience, you’re going to be working in a vacuum’. This statement is pretty much applicable to the corporate world as well.

HR & Technology

HR & Technology Speak Different Languages I happen to be looking for a senior resource for an organization in the North of India. A contact had forwarded a profile to me and I found the resume showing relevant technical skills.  


Online Training

Training online, simply put, is – Training provided anytime, anywhere in the world and just when it is needed. Computer Based Training (CBT) became popular with the emergence of software as an industry. IT training needed computers, as a learning aid, to help learners acquire expertise through application...

Role of Social Networking

Role of Social Networking in Employment There was just one more day to submit the proposal to the client in Mumbai. Sitting in Chennai, handling the remote task of identifying a resource who can consult for us in this assignment was indeed a farfetched possibility in more ways than one! Late into night.

Typically TalentedMinds work with entrepreneurial startups through to some of the worlds best known brands, but in every instance TalentedMinds want to work with clients who are looking to push boundaries, no matter what the sector.